Cara Mengatasi Google Adsense Warning Ads txt pada blogger dengan tampilan seperti berikut
"Sites with ads.txt issues
Earnings at risk - One or more of your ads.txt files doesn't contain your AdSense publisher ID. Fix this now to avoid severe impact to your revenue.
You need to add your publisher ID to the following ads.txt files:
This will prevent a potentially severe impact on your earnings. Copy and paste the following code snippet into each ads.txt file:, pub-3207878410474587, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0
If you've already done this, please allow our systems up to 24 hours to reflect the changes.
Cara Mengatasi Google Adsense Warning Ads txt pada blogger
1. Masuk Pada akun blogger dan akun google adsense anda
2. Copy Script Pada lingkaran merah diatas
3. Masuk Ke Akun Blogger, pada bagian setting anda akan menemui setingan monetisasi
4. Klik Edit dan Paste Script yang sudah anda copy tadi lalu simpan